May 04, 2018
Turn your $60 router into a $600 router - Lifehacker Of all the great DIY projects at this year's Maker Faire, the one project that really caught my eye involved converting a regular old $60 router into a powerful, highly configurable $600 router. Hacking your own router to become more | Hacker Noon Take your time read through the instructions a few times and don’t forget to breathe. Fundamentals: routers usually run a very basic set of software. This is usually booted up the same way every time a router starts. Most cases we are going to interrupt the router boot …
Jun 09, 2020
Of all the great DIY projects at this year's Maker Faire, the one project that really caught my eye involved converting a regular old $60 router into a powerful, highly configurable $600 router. Hacking your own router to become more | Hacker Noon Take your time read through the instructions a few times and don’t forget to breathe. Fundamentals: routers usually run a very basic set of software. This is usually booted up the same way every time a router starts. Most cases we are going to interrupt the router boot …
Oct 23, 2019
To access the router gateway, you can do the following: 1. Click Start and type in 'cmd' (no quotes) to open a command prompt. 2. To find your default gateway, type in the following: ipconfig |findstr -i gateway. 3. Most likely your gateway is Type in that address in your web browser and you will have access to your router